Establishing timber value cycles in Norway
If we reach our goals,
it will account for 8% of Norway`s carbon reduction commitments.
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Process - Available Material from Ragn Sells

Process - Available Material from Ragn Sells

SirkInnovation: O.666 in Belgium

Forbindelser / Connections from Aanesland Treindustri

SirkGlobal: DRASTIC project

SirkISO - Hunton's interest for reclaimed timber and traceability

SirkTRE-Fingerskjøt - Fingerjointing reclaimed timber by Omtre

New Standards for reclaimed timber in construction

Skole by Ola Roald Arkitektur - Båtsfjord kommune

SirkBO Haugen/Zohar Architects - Norgeshus

Offentlig /Public building owners - Statsbygg

Rehab - Grape Architects

Element - Norsk Massivtre

Digital production - Ly Hytta

Rammeverk - Fragment Arkitekter

Sirkulær Ressurssentral

SirkTRE introduction

Byggkart - OMTRE
We aim to increase the share of returned wood for reuse and material recycling through new supply chains.

Establish and pilot a sustainable resource center in Oslo for circular reuse of materials in the construction industry in Oslo and surrounding areas.

The main goal of SirkISO is to develop circular solutions that help reduce waste from construction sites and create value through utilization for new products, services, or reuse.

Increase housing capacity in Longyearbyen by densifying the built-up area through a combination of new construction and reuse of housing modules. Replace homes that have been affected by avalanches or are uninhabitable due to avalanche risk.

Developing a fully circular wall system for building rehabilitation.

Obtain a better overview of existing building stock scheduled for dismantling in order to plan the reuse of building materials with a focus on timber.

As part of the project, SirkTre will establish a testing center at NTNU Gjøvik in collaboration with MTNC.

Establishment of standards for the full circular use of wood.

Industrially process large quantities of short lengths from reception to finished finger-jointed timber.

Developing solid timber connections for industrial applications

The project "sirkBO" aims to challenge the entire prefab housing industry to produce circular homes for the future.

Båtsfjord municipality plans to demolish two schools and construct a new school and kindergarten using recycled materials from the old schools.

Reuse of timber from buildings to be dismantled is an important resource in the circular value chain of wood.

Efficient utilization of digitalization, product optimization, and a more circular and efficient production process.

Ensure competency development, collaboration, and utilization of the timber resource within the value chain by developing new knowledge.

Contribute to export opportunities for products, solutions, and expertise developed in SirkTre.

Further develop building design and production line to streamline the use of returned wood.

SirkPLATE is examining issues related to wood-based panels for the installation of hydronic heating systems, with the aim of developing smarter solutions with reduced resource consumption and enhancing the competitiveness of such panels.

Develop circular frameworks in timber constructions for self-building, with size, height, and technical solutions designed for reuse.

Implementation of reuse solutions. Increased competence in the reuse of construction materials.

Få bedre oversikt over eksisterende bygningsmasse som planlegges demontert for å kunne planlegge ombruk av bygningsmaterialer med fokus på trevirke.

Develop solutions for material, process, and information flow (ICT) for a more circular and efficient production.

Organize seminars and communicate the project to relevant target audiences.


Increased rates of recycling and reuse of reclaimed timber materials
SirkTRE aims to pioneer a fully circular value chain for timber, demonstrating through practical implementation the potential for reusing and recycling timber materials in construction. This comprehensive value chain encapsulates everything from strategic planning and detailed mapping to careful deconstruction, efficient logistics, and effective reworking—which includes purpose-oriented sorting, precise mending, and adaptive reformatting. Timber and wood chips are given a new lease on life in construction projects, which are purposefully designed on a grand scale for future redesign and repurposing.

SirkTRE is a Green Platform project. The Green Platform Initiative provides funding for enterprises and research institutes engaged in green growth and restructuring driven by research and innovation.